Welcome to my bha6 project!
my final project:how is created genius?
Why do we respect genius?
why genius is only vegetarian
so i have try to eat only vegetables for 1 month
this project motivation(실험동기):if I mimic the lifestyle of geniuses as usual, will I have a genius brain? 평범한 내가 천재들의 생활습관을 그대로 모방할 경우 천재적인 두뇌를 가지게 되는가? project expectation(실험목적):Do vegetarians get smarter? 채식을 하면 똑똑해질 수 있나? Experimental Method(실험방법):Vegetarianism for a month(한달동안 채식하기),EEG measurement and graph recording(뇌파측정 및 기록)
Experimental tools(실험도구):eeg headset,food,my body,smartphone
Project results and impressions(프로젝트 결과 및 소감)
my vegetable diet recording:
I threw the grass into my mouth as much as I could. “Einstein, I am sure you know this secret, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to challenge me.” Let me meet you with the same head soon! “With my wonderful compassion, I filled up my body gradually. 토나올 정도로 풀이 내입에 쑤셔넣었다. “나는 꼭 아인슈타인이 되고야 말겠어!! 아인슈타인 너도 이비밀을 알고 있던 자로서 내게도 도전할 기회를 줘서 고맙다. 조만간 똑같은 머리로 만나자!!”라는 멋진 다짐과 함께 나는 내몸을 점점 풀로 채워나갔다.
How did I become a genius? I finally became a genius through the Bio Nuclear Academy Final Project !! In the final part of the project excuse why not. In fact, there were many things to expect from this project. Unexpectedly, however, it has begun to drift away from university academic issues, one of the obstacles to such a project, and the delay in shipment of parts. The start was very good. I started a vegan diet, and I began to feel good feeling of body and spirit. Actually, it was overflowing because of the energy and the desire to do anything. I spent a month like that. My body and mind were fine, but I could not do much to check my physical condition using important brain waves and anthropometry. Also, the project of making rc cars using important brain waves was not so successful. The starter tee is clear. The reason for this is as follows.
- Immaturity of feather hub creation
- The first time I visit Abu-ino Project
- Inaccuracy of EEG sensor
- Laziness
- Problem of cost
- Identification as a college student
- Nevertheless,
I will try to show you what I have done. I will know that I am still a child.
this eeg show to us meditation and attention is Antagonize each other and my attention level is higher than 1month
@my eeg recording1 @my eeg recording2 and my weitht and my body change some
- my b plan is making rc cac with eeg
so difficult to me because i’m not have knowlege of arduino
but i’like this making project
It took me about an hour to make this work.
but i like and love this work